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Applications are invited for the Perth Hills Future Board

Make a difference to the Perth Hills

Perth Hills Future (PHF) was launched in February 2021 to identify and advocate for priorities shared by large sections of the community across the Perth Hills. The goal is to enhance the local environment, village lifestyle and economy of the Perth Hills. The focus at present is on the Perth Hills sections of the local government areas of Swan, Mundaring, Kalamunda, Armadale and Serpentine-Jarrahdale.

PHF seeks local leaders with the vision, drive and skills (e.g governance, legal, finance, media, marketing, events management) necessary to facilitate strategy development and ongoing engagement with their local government areas and key sectors of the Perth Hills. Applications for Board Member positions are sought from highly motivated and experienced people who are knowledgeable about the strengths and challenges of the Perth Hills.

Please fill out the attached Expression of Interest from and include a short resume to

Applications close on 31 July 2021

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