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What does Perth Hills Future do?

Perth Hills Future will undertake community engagement and consultation to rethink the future of the Perth Hills. Engagement will take many forms including workshops, surveys, forums, interviews and panels to address the many unique challenges we experience across the hills. Our aim is to work with the community to find solutions and create a sustainable path forward. 


Why was Perth Hills Future formed?
Perth Hills Future was formed in response to the 2020 Perth Hills Strategic Visioning Report by Regional Development Australia, Perth. The Report acknowledges widespread community frustration at the disconnect between engagement and planning outcomes. It recommends that a grassroots Community Peak Body be formed as the vehicle by which authentic and cohesive community consultation can occur to guide future planning and development in the Perth Hills.


How can I get involved with Perth Hills Future?

Join us a member at

Individual membership is free and has no obligations.

If you are a local business who would like to show your support for Perth Hills Future, please send your business logo to and it will be displayed on our website.

If you are a community group or organisation who would like to share your voice, please contact us on for more information.

We welcome the many vibrant and active community groups of the Perth Hills who share common interests and values, including ratepayer or progress associations, environmental, cultural, historical, youth, senior, sporting, special interest or awareness groups and other not for profit initiatives that are generally focussed on local or specific issue and goals.


If I join as a Perth Hills Future member, what does that mean?

Joining as a member means that you want to be part of the conversation to create the future of the Perth Hills. As a member, you will be invited to participate in the engagement and consultation process and to attend events, however there is no obligation and feedback can remain anonymous.


Is Perth Hills Future a political or protest group?

No. Perth Hills Future is apolitical and solutions focussed. Our role is to capture the voice of the community to plan for the future. The outcome of the consultation process will be the delivery of Community Mandates (a report outling the collective will of our community) that will form the basis of a genuine partnership with government (at all levels) in pursuit of a more integrated and sustainable future for the Perth Hills.


Is Perth Hills Future aligned to any other group or organisation?

No. Perth Hills Future is an independent group that will work across the five local governments of Swan, Mundaring, Kalamunda, Armadale, Serpentine/Jarrahdale. Our aim is to collaborate with established community groups to share their local wisdom and hear their voice from the local perspective. We also aim to engage with the local business community and Chambers of Commerce to understand the economic development landscape and work to build a stronger local economy.


Is Perth Hills Future aligned to Save Perth Hills?

No. Perth Hills Future is an independent group that works to address the shared challenges across the entire Perth Hills and develop solutions focussed, community driven mandates and recommendations.  However, we recognise that Save Perth Hills was created due to the widespread community frustration at the disconnect between engagement and planning outcomes in the Hills, similar to that described in the 2020 Perth Hills Strategic Visioning Report by Regional Development Australia, Perth. Perth Hills Future aims to address this disconnect going forward by providing a vehicle by which authentic and cohesive community consultation can occur to guide future planning and development in the Perth Hills.


Is Perth Hills Future a commercial enterprise?

No. Perth Hills Future is a not-for-profit incorporated entity established to support the Perth Hills community.

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Resilient – Responsible - Thriving 

© 2021 - Perth Hills Future Inc

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